
阅读理解Silk Road ToursAlong this over 4, 000 km road, you can experience colorful culture, precious historical relics and beautiful northern and western landscape!Top Silk Road Attractions:1. Terracotta Warriors□Type: History Museums, Historic SitesRecommended Length of Visit: 3 hoursAs the eighth wonder of the ancient world, it has a history of more than 2, 200 years. Oriental mummies await you to discover their mystery.2. Mogao Grottoes□Type: Buddhism, Historic SitesRecommended Length of Visit:3 hoursConsidered as the eastern Louvre Museum, Mpga0 Grottoes is a glorious treasure 16.在学习了力的相关知识后,晓楠和同学们对于用手推动桌子时,手推桌子的力的施力物体和受力物体展开了激烈的讨论,下列说法正确的是(  )A.刘飞:手和桌子都是施力物体B.潇潇:手是施力物体,桌子时受力物体C.李妍:手是受力物体,桌子时施力物体D.晓楠:手和桌子都是受力物体
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