
阅读理解 Experts say that food isone of the biggest greenhouse gas polluters. The reason is the rising demandfor meat. Animal farming is responsible for 14.5 percent of global greenhousegas methane emissions. While cows are the worse contributors, pigs, sheep,donkeys and other animals play a part as well. Animal farming also causesland to become damaged, water to be polluted and forests to get destroyed. Thatis why experts are advocating substituting some of the beef, chicken, or porkwith ordinary insects! Insects, which grow intoadults within a matter of months, if not weeks, are ready fo下列各句中,没有错别字的一项是 [     ]A.波兰总统卡钦斯基夫妇长眠之地瓦维尔城堡,座落于一个可以俯瞰波兰南部城市克拉科夫的山丘之上。B.人无信不立,一诺千斤是中华民族的传统美德。与朋友交往当坚守一个信字,即使是赴汤蹈火也要实现自己的诺言。C.温总理关于遏止高房价的话语刚落,北京又连续刷新了“地王”纪录,看来政府亟待解决的不仅仅是房价了。D.面对南海问题,中国不逃避矛盾,但也不主动将矛盾升级。必竟与菲律宾、越南的摩擦考验的可能不是中国的国力,而是战略智慧和耐心。
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