
阅读理解DearMary, Howare you? I saw you posted some wonderful photos of the coastline near yourhometown. You're really getting into your photography! Right now I'm taking abreak from social media (媒体) to write you an email. Rememberyou said you'd like to come over to the UK sometime this year? Well, I wasthinking that this year you might like to come to the Edinburgh Festival withme in August. I've got an aunt with a flat in the city centre who could put usup. Doyou know much about the festival? It's very famous — the biggest, most populararts festival in the world! There are lots of北方地区的地方特产很丰富,著名的有东北“三宝”(________ 、________ 、________) 、洛阳_________、兰州_________等.
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