
以下新民主主义革命时期发生的重大历史事件及其影响搭配正确的是( ) A . 中共一大——确立了毛.泽东思想为中国共.产.党指导思想 B . 长征胜利——开创了农村包围城市武装夺取政权的道路 C . 遵义会议——成为中国共.产.党历史上生死攸关的转折点 D . 西安事变——十年内战结束抗日民族统一战线正式形成The night was dark, though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to be seen in the sky.The poor men held on to any bit of ____ they could find. They called to the Marie for        but she was far        the reach of the human voice. At one o’clock in the morning suddenly some        were seen in the distance: another ship! The shouts of the        were heard on board, and willing hands pulled them out of the water. The        of the ship that had arrived at the scene        to save their lives was Ellen. What had        her to the exact spot        the darkness and the pathless sea? Her captain had known        of the wreck and had, indeed,      to sail away from it. But let him speak for himself. “    I was forced by the wind to change my course, a small bird flew across the ship once or twice and then flew at my face. I     of this until exactly the same thing happened a second time,     caused me to think it rather     . While I was this    , the same bird, for the third time, made its appearance and flew      in the same way as before. I was then      to change my course back to the original one. I had not gone far      I heard a strange voice; and when I tried to     where they came from, I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked. I immediately did my best to save them.”小题1:A.landB.grassC.hopeD.wood小题2:A.foodB.helpC.restD.stop小题3:A.offB.outC.beyondD.from小题4:A.peopleB.lightsC.shipsD.houses小题5:A.sailorsB.captainsC.rescuersD.swimmers小题6:A.nameB.ownerC.captainD.finder小题7:A.ahead of timeB.at timesC.on timeD.in time小题8:A.broughtB.carriedC.keptD.caused小题9:A.inB.on C.throughD.around小题10:A.everythingB.nothingC.somethingD.Anything小题11:A.attemptedB.managedC.allowedD.demanded小题12:A.Just asB.In caseC.Only becauseD.Even though小题13:A.paid no attentionB.took good careC.took no noticeD.kept close watch小题14:A.whichB.whatC.thatD.this小题15:A.InterestingB.funnyC.friendlyD.unusual小题16:A.searchingB.expectingC.consideringD.studying小题17:A.backB.aboutC.upD.down小题18:A.forcedB.decidedC.persuadedD.forbidden小题19:A.whenB.untilC.thenD.while小题20:A.listen toB.search forC.make sureD.look out
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