
阅读理解 Tea,the most typical English drink,became established in Britain because of the influence of a foreign princess,Catherine of Braganza,the queen of Charles II.As a lover of tea since her childhood in Portugal,she brought tea-drinking to the English royal court and set a trend for the beverage in the 17th century.The fashion soon spread beyond the circle of the nobility to the middle classes,and tea became a popular drink at the London coffee houses where people met to do business and discuss events of the day.Many employers served a cup of tea to their workers in 下列不属于动物先天性行为的是(  )A. 新生儿吮奶 B. 行人在过马路时遇到红灯停下脚步C. 黄粉虫爬离光照强烈的环境 D. 大雁在秋天向南方迁徙
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