
如图所示是一款定时插座。根据用户设定的工作时间,插座能自动切断电源,定时通电工作时,能实时显示通电剩余时间。以下对该插座的评价中不恰当的是() A . 该插座的设计,体现了可持续发展原则 B . 该插座能实时显示通电剩余时间,主要是从“人”的角度考虑 C . 该插座要通过上千伏高压绝缘性能测试,属于模拟试验法 D . 该插座中使用了较多的标准件,便于通用通换听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Which country do the man and his wife choose for their holiday?A.Britain.B.Australia.C.Japan.【2】Why does the man's wife refuse to travel by ship?A.She often gets seasick.B.She has made many ship travels.C.She feels dangerous about ships.【3】What does the woman suggest about the hotel?A.Choosing a cheap one.B.Finding more information about it online.C.Booking a high-star one.【4】What does the man want to see most while traveling?A.Man-made buildings.B.The beauty of natural scenery.C.His wife's favorite attractions.
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