
阅读理解 Types of Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are marked according to the kind of fore on which they should be used. Using the wrong type of the extinguishers can be dangerous and make things worse. Type A extinguishers are used for fires on paper, cloth, wood, rubber, many plastics and so on. These types of fires usually leave ashes when they burn, so use Type A extinguishers for fires that leave ashes. Type B extinguishers are used for burning liquids, such as oil, gasoline, and paints. These substances often come in barral-shaped containers, so use Type B extinguishers for suc11.口算.25×8=320-320÷8=2.7+1.3=5.55-0.5=0.03×100=45-5+40=0.46+0.54=(88-8)÷8=
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