
阅读理解 I was born in Fiji and I know firsthandwhat it is like having an extremely poor background. My only luckwas having an opportunity to go to school, and I loved it so much. Even when Iwas sick, I never missed a day. I often compared with my friends who lived nearthe school to see who could be the first to arrive. It so happened that I livedthe furthest, but I always won. I'll never forget the days whenI waited by the school gate for my mother to bring me the $5 schooladministration fee I needed for each school term. I watched the road for thebus and with each bus that went by withou回答下列有关的问题。(1)用样方法调查某种植物的种群密度时,为避免调查者主观因素的影响,关键要做到____________。(2)在草原生态系统中,由生产者(绿色植物)流入分解者的能量除包含残枝落叶中的能量外,还包含_______________ 中的能量。(3)管理人员连年使用同种化学杀虫剂杀灭害虫,结果导致害虫再度大爆发。请从两个不同的角度分析害虫再度爆发的原因:①_______________________________________________________________________;②________________________________________________________________________。
英语 试题推荐