
下图是1972年3月6日美国《时代周刊》的封面,它用汉字“友”把画面切割成几块,其中括尼克松与毛.泽东、周恩来的会面;尼克松一行参观长城、观看芭蕾舞《红色娘子军》等。尼克松此行促成了A. “求同存异”方针正式提出B. 中国恢复在联合国的合法席位C. 中美关系开始走向正常化D. 中日正式建立外交关系28、     “BEST PRODUCT WE'VE EVER SEEN”-THIS REALLY WORKS-ON SALE NOW Need to lower your cholesterol(胆固醇)?We strongly recommend CholestrolblockTM. This really works, and now is the best time to buy,because of a special offer for the first 250 customers only for a limited time.     * Takes cholesterol out of food,no matter what you eat.     * Clinically demonstrated effective in university and hospital testing.     * Lowers cholesterol absorption up to 42% or more. * “NO SIDE EFFECTS unlike Liptor?, Zocor?,Crests?&other commonly prescribed(处方的) medications-safe and effective.     * “Outsells all other brands on Internet every month. LIMITED TIME ONLY一Try Cholesterol Watchers free with purchase. 1.If you happen to be the 200th customer to buy Cholesterolblock, you will          .        A.be able to buy it at a low price               B.be the luckiest one online        C.try it free of charge                              D.change your diet 2.Liptor?, Zocor?, Crestor? are         .        A.diseases              B.side effects          C.medicines            D.cholesterol 3.CholestrolblockTM  has the following advantages EXCEPT that _____________________.        A.it helps take cholesterol out of whatever food you eat.        B.it has been proved useful in hospital testing.        C.it helps people absorb at least 42% cholesterol.        D.it sells best on Internet every month. 4.Where can you most probably read this passage?     A.In a travel guide book.                          B.On a university bulletin board.        C.In a health magazine.                            D.In a doctor's prescription. 评卷人 得分 四、书面表达 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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