
下列各句中加点成语的使用,全部不正确的一项是 ①受强冷空气影响,黑龙江多地降雪,气温持续下降,空中喷温水秒变冰雾,地面倒水瞬间结冰,人们在室内座位上坐了半天,仍然觉得席不暇暖,冰凉透骨。②梳理以往案例,大额订单催生“妖股”的情况并不鲜见,在订单从出现到消失的过程之中,一些资本大鳄上下其手。③有的同学过去对语文学习不重视,到了高中才发现既要补欠账,又要学新知识,被弄得左支右绌,狼狈得很。④在这篇小说根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的词,并用其适当形式填空。from, by, always, big, but, other, home, help, different, onWhat do people do in their free time? Some people like to stay at 1.. Some would like to go for a picnic. 2. like to do sports.My friend Bruce works hard in an office 3. Monday to Friday. On weekends, he does something 4.. He washes (洗) his car 5. Saturdays. And on Sundays he goes to his uncle’s farm with his family 6. car. The farm is not big, 7. there is much work to do on it. The kids 8.help with the animals. Bruce and his wife 9.in the field (田地). Then they have a 10.dinner in the evening. After dinner, they drive back home. 
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