
It was an extremely cold December night, and I had just settled into the living room sofa with a book when I heard a sharp knocking on the front door. The sound frightened me, mainly because it was 8:45 PM, quite dark outside, and I was alone. My husband had left two days before for a meeting.I sat thinking for a moment about who could be at my door at that hour. I live on a really quiet street on the North Shore about a block off the main road. Hours can go by without a car or pedestrian(行人)passing in front of my home, a small house that's more than 100 years old.Another moment passed. Mo(2005•连云港)如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,DE是△ABC的中位线,点F在AC延长上,且CF=AC.求证:四边形ADEF是等腰梯形.
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