
下列各项中,加线词语使用恰当的一项是( ) A . 清明时节,烟雨迷茫,杏花掩映,我们可以和多情的花草在一起,无需青箬笠,无需绿蓑衣,就这样栉风沐雨 , 尽情享受这份优雅与闲适。 B . 用冰雪盖出独一无二的冰雪旅馆,这只是遥远的北欧小镇巧妙运用资源创造世界级影响力的一个微型标本,它以具体而微的方式向我们揭示了近年来众多源自北欧诸国的品牌红透世界半边天的渊源。 C . 比尔•盖茨的豪宅前方俯瞰浩如烟海的华盛顿湖,背后阅读对话, 判断正误。Hello. My name is Kitty. I have a new bedroom. It's small but very nice. There are two windows and a door. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf. The desk is beside the window. There are many books on the shelf. I like them. The computer is on the desk. There are some dolls on the bed. They are lovely. I love my bedroom very much.【1】My bedroom is not big but nice.(______)【2】There is a door and two windows.(______)【3】There aren’t any books on the shelf.(______)【4】There are some dolls on the desk.(______)【5】I love my bedroom.(______)
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