
Roger Sperry and Robert Ornstein of the California Institute of Technology, Nobel Prize winners, discovered that the human brain has two sides, and each side has different work to do. The left side of the brain controls language and number and it analyses and reasons. 【1】 It controls our appreciation of music and our sense of rhythm. It is also the right side of our brain which daydreams. Leonardo da Vinci was the great painter and sculptor. He was also an architect, a scientist and an inventor! 【2】 When he invented machines he used both his imaginative ability and his analytical (分东部经济地带与中西部经济地带比较( ) A.中西部较东部具有区位优势 B.东部较中西部具有资源优势 C.中西部较东部经济发展速度快 D.东部较中西部经济发展水平高  
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