
1979年,邓.小平同志提出了“小康之家”的概念,从此“小康”被用来诠释中国现代化坐标上一个重要阶段。从党的十五大提出“建设小康社会”,到十六大提出“全面建设小康社会”,再到十八大提出“全面建成小康社会”,十九大提出“决胜全面建成小康社会”。这一过程体现了( )A.认识的根本目的是获得真理B.认识的最基本属性是客观性C.真理通过不断战胜谬误得到发展D.认识在实践基础上不断深化和发展根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: How was your day, Susie?B: Long! 46.1. I did a lot today!A: Good job! Do you have plans for this evening?B: No. 47.2.A: I volunteer at a soup kitchen after work on Mondays. And they need more help!B: OK! 48.3.A: You can serve hot soup with a smile (微笑)!B: That’s easy! 49.4.A: Yes. The weather is cold now. A lot of homeless people want hot soup.B: And the soup kitchen is warm inside!A: Yes, it is! They have hot coffee and tea, too.B: 50.5.A: Yes. And I’m not one of them. I feel very lucky.A. But it was good.B. But it is terrible!C. Why do you ask?D. How can I help?E. Why don’t you help them?F. Are you going there right now?G. There are a lot of homeless people in this city.A. But it was good.B. But it is terrible!C. Why do you ask?D. How can I help?E. Why don’t you help them?F. Are you going there right now?G. There are a lot of homeless people in this city.
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