
As temperatures approached 90 degrees in New York City last July 4th, three police officers walked into a Whole Foods Market to get something cold to drink.Once inside, the cops, Louis Sojo and Officers Ricky Cuevas and Michael Rivera, were approached by a store security guard who asked for help with a suspected shoplifter. The woman in question didn’t have the look of a career criminal. She was obviously scared, and her cheeks were wet with tears.The cops went through her bag. “All we saw was containers of food. We didn’t See anything else,” Cuevas told CBS New York.“I’m hungry,如图,在梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,点E是边AD的中点,连接BE交AC于F,BE的延长线交CD的延长线于G.(1)求证:EGGB=AEBC;(2)若GE=2,BF=3,求线段EF的长.
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