
Why is the human brain so mighty? It has billions of nerve cells to carry out its commands. Without the brain, you would not be able to think, feel, move, remember, or do all the things that make you the special person you are.At birth, the brains of infants (婴儿) weigh the same. But by adulthood, that changes. The average male brain weighs about 11 to 12 percent more than woman’s brain. But brain weight and size have nothing to do with intelligence. What matters is what’s inside the brain.Despite its small size (about 3 pounds), the brain is able to receive and send an unlimited number下列各组词语中,错别字最多的一项是 [     ]A.喝彩 打圆场 鞭辟入理 无立锥之地B.凋蔽 黄粱梦 曾经沧海 如坠五里雾中C.斡旋 挖墙角 难辞其咎 事实胜于雄辩D.枢纽 唱双簧 事必恭亲 坐收鱼人之利
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