
have,she,join,help,can,be,club,good,learn,playHi!I'm Zhang Heng!I'm in the Blue Sky Music 【1】. I'm a great musician. I can 【2】 the piano,the violin and the trumpet. And I'm very good with the kids. I 【3】 a daughter. She is only four years old. 【4】 name is Zhang Xiaohua. She 【5】 play the guitar, and she plays it very 【6】.She is in the Blue Sky Music Club too.Do you like music?Would you like 【7】 learn about music?Please come and 【8】 us. We can 【9】 you with music. My telephone number 【10】 923­8826. My e­mail address is zhang200下列词语中没有错别字的一组是(  )A.部署  厮杀  计日程功  缄口不语B.妥帖 坐阵 郑重其事 真知灼见C.账目  悍卫  一筹莫展  和盘托出D.发韧 陷阱 层峦叠嶂 美轮美奂
英语 试题推荐