
Owura Kwadwo Hottish teaches computers in the school he works in. I think it is a ________ school except for the fact that the school didn’t have ________.Owura became famous after he posted photos of him on the Internet. In the picture, people could see he was teaching his students by ________ an entire computer on the blackboard. The photos showed the ________ level of education for children in Ghana. People were ________ that Owura made sure each button (按钮) was drawn correctly.Owura wanted the students to ________ what life with a computer could be like someday. He would come to scho“有一分证据说一分话”某中学历史研究性学习课上,四个研究小组分别展示的材料和所得的结论。 请回答:(1)上述各组的结论,哪些是从材料中可以直接推导出来?理由?________________________________________________________________________________ (2)上述各组的结论,哪些是不能从材料直接推导出来的?你认为应补充怎样的材料或者改为怎样的结论,才能使结论与材料相符?(若修改结论,不得照抄材料) ________________________________________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐