
Friendships can be sources of joy and sources of sorrow. There isn’t exactly a rule book on what to do when things get tense or bad.【1】.Broken promisesJan Yager, a specialist in this field often hears from people who’ve been hurt by a friend’s broken promise. Dr. Yager likes to point out we don’t have formal contracts with friends where we’ve agreed to never disappoint each other. Therefore if you bring a fantasy about what the ideal friend will do in any situation to a relationship, 【2】.When things feel unbalancedMaybe you feel like you’re always sharing about your life, b “烟台苹果”驰名中外,2009年“烟台苹果”成为中国果业第一品牌。请你回答“烟台苹果”的相关问题。(1)短短十年间,“烟台苹果”就实现了由青香蕉、红香蕉、大国光、小国光等传统品种向嘎啦、红富士等新品种的转变。果业技术员在培育新品种时采用的技术是__________________。(2)烟台的气候属暖温带,空气湿润,光照充足,昼夜温差大,土壤沙质偏碱性,利于苹果的生长。可见影响苹果生长的非生物因素主要有_______________。(3)春天,果农常在苹果园里放养蜜蜂,这是为了________________________。(4)初夏,果农开始对苹果进行套袋处理。套袋的苹果终日不见阳光,却可以长成大苹果,从营养的来源途径分析主要原因是___________________________。(5)当你切开苹果时,会发现里面有多枚种子,推测苹果花子房中应含有__________________________。
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