
阅读下面材料,按要求作答。日前,《中国诗词大会》同名图书与读者见面,该书由《中国诗词大会》(第一季)的文字脚本整理润色而成。新书《中国诗词大会》(上下)由中央电视台热播节目《中国诗词大会》官方独家授权出版。董卿也邀请读者们一起加入这场诗词狂欢,她说:“一千两百多年前的诗句,今天读来依然让你荡气回肠,让我们感受到震动古今的气势和力量,这就是中国古诗词的魅力。我们将开启诗词之旅,去重温那些历久弥新的经典诗“I sat-in at a restaurant for six months, and when they finally agreed to serve me, they didn’t have what I wanted”---so went a famous line. In reality, the sit-in movement was not a joke. It began in Greensboro, North Carolina, at 4:30 P.M., on the afternoon of February 1, 1960. On that day, Ezell Blair Jr., Joseph McNeil, David Richmond, and Franklin McClain entered an F.W. Woolworth store. They sat down at a segregated(分开的) lunch counter, ordered coffee, and then refused to leave when told, ‘We don’t serve Negroes.”   The four young men had expected not to be served. What no one had expected, however, was that they would sit there and politely, but firmly, refuse to leave. This was 1960, and throughout the South black people were not allowed to sit at the same lunch counters with whites, swim at the same beaches, use the same water fountains, or worship at the same churches. Segregation was the law, and it meant separation of the races in every way.   The next day, the four returned to Woolworth’s---this time accompanied by sixteen other students. Again they sat at the lunch counter and requested service. Again they were refused. And again, they declined to leave. On Wednesday, February 3, seventy students filled the Woolworth’s store. This time, the group included white students as well as black. Many brought school books and studied while they waited. By this time, their protest had become known nationwide as a “sit-in”.   On Thursday, there was trouble. An angry group of white teenagers began shoving and cursing them but were quickly removed by the police. By February 10, the sit-in movement had spread to five other states. By September 1961, more than 70,000 people, both black and white, had participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and lunch counters, kneel-ins(祈祷示威) at segregated churches, read-ins at segregated libraries, and swim-ins at segregated pools and beaches. Over 3,600 people had been arrested, and more than 100 students had been expelled. But they were getting results. On June 10, 1964, the U.S Senate passed a major civil rights bill outlawing racial discrimination in all public places. President Lyndon Johnson signed it on July 2, and it became law. But the highest credit still goes to the four brave students from North Carolina who first sat-in and waited it out. 61. In this passage, “ sit-in” refers to _________. A. an activity where people sit together and drink coffee freely B. a bill which outlaws racial discrimination in all public places C. a form in which people peacefully sit and decline to leave D. a polite behavior that everyone enjoys 62. Which statement can be concluded from the fifth paragraph in the passage? A. The sit-in movement was not successful. B. The sit-in movement had a positive result. C. Only black people participated in sit-ins. D. A lot of protesters were arrested, with some students expelled from school 63. Based on the information in the passage, you can infer that at a swim-in, people______. A. refuse to swim at a segregated swimming pool B. refuse to go to a segregated swimming pool C. refuse to let others swim at a segregated swimming pool D. refuse to leave a segregated swimming pool 64. What was the purpose of the civil rights bill passed in 1964? A. The highest credit went to the four brave students. B. It declared that segregation was a law. C. The students were allowed to participate in sit-ins. D. It made racial segregation against the law in all public places. 65. What is the passage mainly about? A. Segregation was the law in the South. B. The first sit-in was in 1960. C. The sit-ins helped to end segregation. D. The civil rights bill was passed in 1964 by the U.S. Senate.
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