
Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. It is just one fun way to live longer, read about the others and try as many as you can.【1】1. Smiling makes us attractive【2】There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns and sorrows all push people away-- but a smile draws them in. When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. Smile a lot and you will draw people to you .2. 【3】Stress can really show up in our faces, while smili我来当裁判。对的画“√”,错的画“×”。(1)《春晓》和《村居》这两首诗都是描写春天的。(  )(2)“花落知多少”的意思是知道落在地上多少花。(  )(3)“纸鸢”指的是一种鸟。(  )
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