
The term ‘dark tourism’ is far newer than the practice, which long predates Pompeii's emergence as a dark attraction. Dr Philip Stone, perhaps the world's leading academic expert on dark tourism, considers the Roman Colosseum to be one of first dark tourist sites, where people travelled long distances to watch death as sport. Later, until the late 18 century, the appeal was crueler still in central London, where people paid money to sit in grandstands to watch mass hangings. Dealers would sell pies at the site, which was roughly where Marble Arch stands today.It was only in 1996 that ‘da汉译英(共5个句子,每句2分,满分10分)【1】他表现得好像他之前没见过我一样。________________________________________________________________【2】这只熊猫目前正在研究中心被研究。(用被动语态)________________________________________________________________【3】在篮子里面有很多的苹果,有一些已经坏掉了。(含有定语从句)________________________________________________________________【4】在我年轻的时候,我很穷但是我喜欢时尚,所以我总是打扮成一个有钱人。(含有情态动词)_______________________________________________________________【5】当妻子想跟她丈夫谈谈时,她丈夫假装已经睡着了。________________________________________________________________
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