
There is a beautiful country in South America. It’s in the shape of a heart. The country is Brazil.Carnival (狂欢节) is the most famous holiday in Brazil. 【1】 It is important to people because it’s a time of happiness, freedom, and almost a whole week without work.【2】 People in many countries celebrate Carnival but the celebration in Brazil is the most famous. During the festival, people wear colorful costumes, go out into the streets and dance with their friends, relatives or strangers.【3】 During the holiday, people close shops and come out on the streets to celebrate life.人有负盐负薪者||||人有负盐负薪者   李延寿   人有负盐负薪者,同释担息树阴。二人将行,争一羊皮,各言藉①背之物。惠②谴争者出,顾州纪纲③曰:“以此羊皮可拷知主乎?”群下咸无答者。惠令人置羊皮席上,以杖击之,见少盐屑,曰:“得其实矣。”使争者视之,负薪者乃伏而就罪。   注:①藉:垫,衬。②惠即李惠,北魏太武帝时任雍州刺史。③顾州纪纲:回头看着州府的主簿。   1.解释下列句中加点的字。   (1)人有负盐负薪者。      ( )   (2)群下咸无答者。      ( )   (3)惠令人置羊皮席上。    ( )   (4)同释担息树阴。      ( )   2.翻译下列句子。   使争者视之,负薪者乃伏而就罪。   3.李惠是一个怎样的人?文中哪些句子能体现出来?  
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