
As heat waves continue to ravage the planet, air conditioners are becoming more and more common. However, these active cooling devices are posing problems because the electricity consumption which most people are concerned about and the release of ozone-damaging chemicals worsen the greenhouse gas effect, resulting in the creation of heat islands and further thermal pollution. Therefore, passive cooling, which doesn't have such effects, has attracted considerable attention from both scientists and ordinary people in recent years.In a recent study, a team of researchers from China and US presen中西两种文明的交流碰撞,有力地促进了近代中国科学技术和思想文化的发展。下列人物与其成就的连线,不正确的是:A.魏源——《海国图志》B.聂耳——《黄河大合唱》C.侯德榜——侯氏制碱法D.詹天佑——京张铁路
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