
1939年8月,日本正式设立了由日本驻华中军、政、财三方参加的主要由军方控制的“军配组合”,控制华中地区的物资和流通,其分支机构遍布华中十多个城市,涉及行业有棉花、棉纱、棉布、工业药品等众多领域。日本侵略者上述行为的主要目的是A. 控制国统区经济命脉B. 发展本国经济C. 封锁抗日根据地经济D. 维持战争需要短文理解。听两遍, 根据短文内容, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。1. How many terms are there in a year in an American school? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 2. When do most American kids start to go to school? A. At the age of 5. B. At the age of 6. C. At the age of 7. 3. How long does each term last in an American school? A. Three months. B. Five months. C. Six months. 4. How many subjects do American students learn each term in high school? A. Six or seven. B. Ten. C. Four or five. 5. Where do most American students go after high school? A. To work. B. To the college. C. To the factory.
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