
When I was in my twenties, I travelled alone through the UK. In order to_______locations that the public transportation couldn't get to, I bought a(n)_______car, drove it around for three months and sold it before I returned to Australia. The car cost most of my money, so I lived mainly on _______during that trip, it being cheap and filling. In Ireland, my_______was stolen, and it was impossible to get another. So for the rest of the trip I_______out in my car, being too poor to afford bed-and-breakfasts.One morning, I_______in my old Skoda under a twisted tree on a remote lane in the Irish co下列句子语意最连贯的一项是( )(2分)①当阳光洒在身上,它更坚定了心中的信念──要开出一朵鲜艳的花。 ②不久,它从泥土里探出了小脑袋,渐渐地,种子变成了嫩芽。 ③种子在这块土地上的生活并不那么顺利,周围的各种杂草都嘲笑它,排挤它,认为它只是一粒平凡的种子。 ④虽然它经受着黑暗的恐惧,暴雨的侵袭,但是,它依然努力地生长着。 ⑤从此,它变得沉默,只有它知道,它在努力,它在默默地汲取土壤中的养料。A.③④②⑤① B.①③②⑤④ C.③⑤④②① D.①⑤②③④ 
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