
在下列括号中填成语,表示前后两个字之间的变化关系。例如:念→(有口无心)→含百→( )→弼 忡→( )→性 答案:【答案】左右开弓,无中生有。【解析】本题考查学生对汉字字形变化的把握。根据变化,写出二者之间的关系。根据例句“念——含(有口无心),”可思考括号里词语的来历:“念”字的“心”没有了,而变成了“含”字的“口”,因此结合起来即是“有口无心”这一成语。百——弼(左右开弓)听材料,回答问题。1. Whose house did the hole lead to?           A. A mouse's       B. The little mouse's      C. The snake's2. What were the snakes doing?             A. They were sleeping.   B. They were chatting   C. They were eating.3. How did the little mouse's mother feel?            A. She felt sleepy.      B. She felt afraid of the snakesC. She wasn't afraid of the snakes.4. When did the story take place?A. On a winter afternoon           B. On an autumn morning  C. On a winter morning5. What can we learn from the story?       .A. Snakes never eat mice.            B. Snakes usually sleep in winter.C. Mice like to live next to snakes
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