
There is nobody in the world the same _____ you;you are unique(独一无二的)!Everybody is _____ from everyone else.That is good!So it _____ the world an interesting place.There are people _____ than you,and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is the same _____ as your friend's hair,but maybe it is longer than _____. Another _____ is your hair may be straight,but hers may be curly.I am sure you have some friends who are _____ than you. And you also have some friends. They are as _____ at sports as you.______ there are also people around you who are not good at some things.______ does your best3.学习了“物体的质量”这一节后,小明和小华为“物体的质量与状态是否有关”发生了争论,小明认为:物体的状态变化后,会引起体积等因素变化,质量也会随着改变;小华认为:物体的状态改变并不会引起组成其物质多少的变化,质量不变.(1)对上述两人的观点,你支持谁的?支持小华的观点(2)请帮助他们设计一个实验,以解决他们之间的争论,要求说明实验器材和实验方案.实验器材:玻璃瓶、天平;实验步骤:①向玻璃瓶内放入半瓶碎冰块后将瓶盖密闭,用天平称出瓶与冰的总质量m1;②将瓶放入热水中,待瓶内冰块完全熔化后将瓶外水擦干,放入天平称出瓶与水的总质量m2,比较m1与m2.可知冰的状态变化了但质量不变(3)通过这次活动,你有什么感想?(简要回答)科学探究离不开实验,实验证明了事实胜于雄辩.
英语 试题推荐