
Enjoyable Family PicnicsGoing for a picnic is great at any age. It can either be a simple lunch in the park or a family barbecue at the beach. Whether with little kids or just as a romantic afternoon date, picnics can be fun and relaxing. Just remember to prepare.Check the weather forecast.【1】 Picnics are never much fun when it gets too hot or starts to rain. If it is likely to rain, but you still make up your mind to go, think about bringing umbrellas.Pick a location suitable for your family's needs. Different locations are for different types of picnics.【2】 Ch对以下这段文字的理解,正确的一项是一直以来,科学家们认为当肺脏周边的组织侦测到肺里氧浓度变低时,人就会打哈欠以吸入更多氧气;但是科学家们后来发现,胎儿就已经会打哈欠了。A.肺脏不一定会侦测到氧气的不足。B.肺脏与打哈欠未必有必然的联系。C.人打哈欠是为了吸入更多的空气。D.胎儿虽然不会换气但已会打哈欠。
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