
转基因作物(GMC )是通过转基因对农作物进行精确的改造而产生的,转基因作物一方面在产量、抗逆性及品质等方面有显著改进,极大地降低农业生产成本,另一方面,科学家通过动物实验发现转基因作物可能对人类健康存在着危害。2000年2月27日,英国首相布莱尔为此发表了一篇文章,文中说:“毫无疑问,转基因作物对人类健康和环境有可能带来危害,保护公众和环境的安全,现在是,将来也是政府的首要任务。但与此同时,这种新的科技成果将给阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是(T)否(F)相符。I lived in a village ten years ago. There were no buildings. There were no cars. There was a small school near my village. I went to school on foot. People couldn't use the Internet. We often climbed mountains and went fishing. Now there are many new buildings. There is a new school near the village. Children go to school by bus. People often play computer games at home.【1】I lived in a village ten years ago. (______)【2】At that time, there were many cars. (______)【3】I went to school on foot. (______)【4】We often played computer games before. (______)【5】There is a new school near the village now. (______)
生物 试题推荐