
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Where did the woman find the bug at first?A.On the wall. B.On the floor. C.On her desk.【2】What does the woman think of bugs?A.Lovely. B.Scary. C.Helpful.【3】What percentage of British crops depend on insect pollination (授粉)?A.30%. B.40%. C.75%. 答案:【答案】【1】A【2】B【3】C【解析】【原文】W: Ah! There’s a bug on the wall! Oh, no! It has jumped on the floor and is now moving toward my desk! Help me crush it!M: Oh, what a lovely little creature. Chill out. It causes no harm as long as you leave it be. Besides, insects are helpful.W: What? They are horrible! Bugs always make my hair stand on end! Helpful? How?M: Well, do yo中国人习惯自称是“炎黄子孙”,如今炎黄子孙已经遍布海内外,“炎黄”指的是传说中我们中国历史上两位杰出的部落联盟首领,那么以下不是“炎黄”二帝的贡献的是A. 尝百草发明医药B. 发明宫室、车马C. 令下属官员发明了文字D. 发明了铁制农具
英语 试题推荐