
Alma Deutscher could read music before she could read words. She composed her first piano sonata at six,her first short opera at seven,and her first full-length opera at 10.Alma Alma,a gifted musician as well as a composer,the child prodigy,or “Little Mozart,whose music is in the classical-romantic tradition,was on stage throughout,switching between the piano and the violin.Her parents,mother Janie,and father Guy,are quite formal. They think deeply before they speak,and appear to be quiet. They maintain Alma is an adult when it comes to music and a normal girl in othe所有的气体都可以被液化,但每一种气体都有一特定的温度,在这个温度以上,无论怎样压缩,气体都不会液化,这个温度叫临界温度.由以上知识可知:使气体液化的方法有 和 .但对于某些气体,只使用 的方法是不行的.
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