
It was a hot Summer day a few years ago. I had just pulled into the local gas station to fill my tank. After pumping the gas I started to walk inside to pay. That is when I noticed them. Two elderly women stood back from their car. There was a mixture of shock, fear, and horror on their faces. I looked and saw what they saw. Five yellow jackets had started to build a nest around their gas cap. My eyes widened. I shared the ladies’ fear.Yellow jackets had never been friends of mine. Several times these bad tempered wasps(黄蜂) had attacked me while I was mowing my lawn giving me multipl家用电吹风,由电动机和电热丝等组成,为了保证电吹风的安全使用,要求只能吹热风或吹冷见,不能只发热不吹风;请在图中用铅笔画线连接好符合要求的电路图. 【解析】根据题意知道,电吹风吹冷风时只有电动机工作,吹热风时电动机和电热丝共同工作,说明电动机和电热丝互不影响即为并联,一开关位于干路,另一开关位于电热丝的支路,如图:
英语 试题推荐