
Restaurants, schools, dentist offices are all keeping more windows open, to increase ventilation — and hopefully, to decrease the chances of encountering the coronavirus. But letting in fresh air also lets in more noise.Now, researchers have come up with a device that’s like noise-cancelling headphones — but for a building.“It works on the same principle, so it detects noise that’s coming into the windows, and then is cancelling the noise.” says Bhan Lam, an acoustical engineer at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The device looks like a grid of small speakers, and fit亨利八世宗教改革的导火线是                                      A.资本主义经济的发展       B.天主教会对英国的政治控制和经济掠夺 C.马丁·路德宗教改革的影响   D.亨利八世离婚案
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