
It is a sad truth that any health crisis (危机) will lead to a large outbreak of misinformation.In the 80s, 90s, and 2000s we saw the spread of dangerous lies about AIDS - from the belief that the HIV virus was created by a government laboratory to the idea that it could be treated with goat’s milk. These claims increased risky behaviour and worsened the crisis.Now, we are surrounded with unreal news - this time around Covid-19 (新冠肺炎). The Economist in March 2020 found 13% of Americans believed Covid-19 was a trick while 49% believed the virus might be man-made. While you might hop某患者输液时,当瓶内液面比输液的手背高出0.5m时,发现针头处有血液回流,若注射液体密度为1.0×103Kg/m3,则此病人的血压至少是多少帕?(g取10N/Kg)
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