
Chinese film The Captain is the most popular film from Oct 5th to 13th, according to the China Movie Data Information Network.The film has become a big success in just a few days. It had got 2.43 billion yuan after fourteen days in theaters, Many Chinese people, from young to old came to the theater to watch it. And they were moved by the film.The movie is based on(基于)a real story that happened on May 14,2018,when Sichuan Airlines pilot Liu Chuanjian make a dangerous landing(危险着陆) successfully(成功地).That landing saved all the people in the aeroplane. Some people think highly7.如图示意我国某地区14日6时的气压形势,L为低压.图中天气系统以200千米/天的速度东移.图中甲地14日6~9时的风向为(  )A.偏东风B.偏南风C.东北风D.西北风
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