
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding (建立) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Oct 1, 1949.That year, in a grand ceremony (盛大的典礼) in Beijing’s Tian’an men Square, Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly proclaimed (庄严宣布) the founding of the PRC. After that, the military parade (大阅兵) began. The parade lasted for two and a half hours, with spectacular (壮观的) scenes showing the People’s Liberation Army’s powerful and grand lineup (阵容).On Oct 1, we had a grand military parade in Beijing’s Tian’an men Square again. Did you see it on TV? 一份稿件,甲打字员15天能打完,乙打字员3天能打甲的314,丙打字员每天能打甲的116,(  )工效最快. A、甲B、乙C、丙
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