
The stage lights dimmed, and I took a quick look from behind the heavy black curtains into the audience. Blinded by the lights, I quickly _____. It seems that a great number of eyes were looking at me. I took a deep _____ as the music of my dance began to play. I entered the stage and began my _____, the graduation test of the classical Indian dance.After a decade of learning this art form, I had _____ been considered ready to take on the most difficult act. The test is the most important event in a dancer’s life as it pays _____ to all the factors in one’s life that _____ the dance form: 常温下,下列溶液一定呈酸性的是(  )A、一定体积pH=9的NaOH溶液加水稀释1O3倍B、0.1 mol?L-1某碱溶液和0.1 mol?L-1盐酸等体积混合C、0.1 mol?L-1氨水和0.1 mol?L-1氯化铵溶液等体积混合D、pH=11的NaOH溶液与pH=3的CH3COOH溶液等体积混合
英语 试题推荐