
名句默写(1)秋风萧瑟,_______。(曹操《观沧海》)(2)_________,却话巴山夜雨时。(李商隐《夜雨寄北》)(3)知之者不如好之者,____(《雍也》)(4)海日生残夜,___________(王湾《次北固山下》)(5)李白在《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中以“____,_____”两句,把对友人的怀念之情托付给明月 。(6)小芳在跟大家分享学习经验时说要注意学与思的结合,引用《论语》里的话就是“____,____。”(7)小林待人诚恳,从不因别人对他的误解根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Some people learn a foreign language easily. Others may not. How can you help yourself learn English? I think there are two ways to make English learning a little easier and more interesting,First, you should build up confidence(建立自信). If you believe that you can, then you will learn. When you read or listen to something , you may not be able to understand it all. Don't worry. You can use a dictionary to help you. You can ask your teacher or friends to help you. Do not be afraid of making mistakes. You can learn from mistakes.Second, practice using English. For example, write a diary in English every day, and you will be able to write better. Speak English whenever you can. You may practice with your friends after class. Then you will be able to speak better.Remember the famous saying, “Practice makes perfect.” The more you practice using English, the better you will learn it.(1)What is main idea of the passage?A.It is very important and useful to learn a foreign language.B.Some people learn a foreign language more easily than others.C.There are different ways to help you learn a foreign language more easily.D.You should build up confidence before you learn a foreign language.(2)What is the first way to help you learn English?A.Try not to make any mistakes.B.Try to build up your confidence.C.Try not to ask others for help.D.Try to make English learning interesting.(3)What is the second ways to help you learn English?A.Practice using English.B.Practice writing English.C.Practice speaking English.D.Practice listening to English.(4)What does “Practice makes perfect” mean?A.The more you practice your English, the less you will enjoy it.B.The more you practice your English, the more mistakes you will make.C.The more you practice your English, the better you will learn it.D.Perfection is practice.(5)What can you do when you meet some new words?A.We can use a dictionary to help us.B.We can ask our teacher or friends for help.C.We need to be very afraid of making mistakes.D.Both A and
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