
阅读理解If Confucius (孔子) were still alive today and could celebrate his September 28birthday with a big cake, there would be a lot of candles. He'd need a strongwind to help him put them out. While many peoplein China will remember Confucius on this special day, few people in the UnitedStates will give him a passing thought. It's nothing personal. Most Americansdon't even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes. But this doesn'tmean that Americans don't care about Confucius. In many ways he has become abridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper unders阅读辛弃疾的《南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀》,选出赏析有误的一项( )。何处望神州?满眼风光北固楼。千古兴亡多少事?悠悠。不尽长江滚滚流。年少万兜鍪,坐断东南战未休。天下英雄谁敌手?曹刘。生子当如孙仲谋。A.“何处望神州?满眼风光北固楼”两句运用了设问的修辞手法,意思是说中原土地已非我有,寓有“故国之思”。B.“悠悠”一词兼指时间的漫长久远和词人的思绪无穷,“不尽长江滚滚流”,借用了杜甫《登高》中的诗句“无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。”C.“年少万兜鍪”中的“兜鍪”指古代作战时,士兵所戴的头盔,这里是借代,指士兵。D.“天下英雄谁敌手?曹刘。生子当如孙仲谋”为用典,引用三国人物的典故,直抒胸臆,表达了对朝廷的不满,也表达了自己的一腔爱国豪情以及报国无门的感慨。
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