
A Small-Town ChristmasI worked lots of extra hours in my first Christmas season as a clerk for Dancer’s, the department store in my small hometown of Wayland, Michigan.I’d started the job, which paid 85 cents an hour, that summer of 1966 after getting a work permit at age 15. Our neighbor Arnie Wilde was the manager, and I soon learned how to fit shoes, measure and cut cloth, and keep the shelves of shirts and underwear nice and neat.We closed at 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve, and at 5:55 a local farmer came in to find gifts for his wife. Arnie told me this was a holiday habit of Mr. Johnson’s若一次函数y=2x+1的图象与反比例函数图象的一个交点横坐标为l,则反比例函数关系式为             .
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