
用所给短语的正确形式填空。 right away as if in ruins dig out be buried in suffer from be proud of even if a great number of at an end be trapped in in the end (1) Shewas her son. He did well at university and now is a doctor. (2) Thehouse began to shake, so all the students must leave the house . (3) Infifteen terrible seconds a large city lay . (4) Heacted he was a doctor. (5) Sinceshe left, he is his work. (6) Myfather has his heart illness for about 20 years. (7) Theyear is . 从18世纪起,欧洲主要国家因为“纺织机器、采矿、炼铁设备及交通工具的改造或发明,”所以“19世纪的人口大量集中到城市,并且产生各种新问题”。这段叙述从“因为”到“所以”之间,至少增加哪一段论述才能使前后因果关系完整?A.马克思阶级斗争理论的影响B.自由放任的经济政策兴起C.传统精密制造业吸引投资意愿D.新型工厂制产生
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