
根据要求作文。(60分)月悬高空,朗照千年。照关山万里,照庭院篱墙;照书中古人,照眼前你我。请以“月亮离我有多远?”为题目,写一篇文章。要求:①文体自选;②不少于600字(写成诗歌不少于16行);③不得套写、抄袭(包括本卷中的材料);④不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等。【提示】(1)围绕题目,你可以叙事,可以发表看法,也可以抒情。(2)你可以依照题目有自己的发挥,也可以借助下列图片打开思路。    The world's population had reached 7 billion (十亿) according to the United Nations (联合国) by 2011. It comes just 12 years since the total reached 6 billion—with official estimates saying the population will top 8 billion in 2025 and 10 billion before the end of the century.And it is most likely that the 10-billionth baby will be born in the Asia-Pacific region where the population growth rate is higher than anywhere else in the world.    Of the 2. 3 billion people,the United Nations believes it will be added by 2050,more than 1 billion will live in sub-Saharan A士rica. i he Indian sub-continent (次大陆) will add some 630 million people.   With more people to feed,more houses & medical care to provide,experts say the world's re-sources (资源) will face more strain than before.() 1. According to the picture,the population of the world reached 6 billion in .   A. 1987   B. 1999   C. 2011   D. 2013() 2. We know that more than 1 billion will live in by 2050.   A. sub-Saharan Africa   B. Indian subcontinent   C. the United States   D. Indonesia() 3. According to the picture, will have the largest population in 2050.   A. China   B. India   C. Nigeria   D. Pakistan() 4. The underlined word “strain” in the last paragraph (段落) means “ ”.A.破坏 B.关闭 C.压力 ^"5^染() 5. The population of the world grows according to the picture.   A. slower and slower   B. faster and faster      C. smaller and smaller   D. less and less
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