
I can still remember when I met my best friend. She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to ___me. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother,____to look at each other. Soon we lost the____and started playing with each other.In the 7th grade, I first lost touch with her. She was___ family problems and I deserted her to be with the____people. None of my new friends liked her as much as I did because they knew she had____. However, every summer we____always sit at each other’s house, watch soap operas, and talk about all the boys we liked.It 2014年10月,南水北调中线工程通水,清澈的江水从丹江口水库出发,一路向北,穿过黄河,最终抵达终点北京进入千家万户。据此,完成下列小题。【1】实施南水北调主要是因为我国南北方A.自然环境差异较大B.人口的分布不均匀C.地域开放程度不同D.水资源供需不平衡【2】目前,北京市在水资源利用方面的主要问题是A.河流频繁改道B.生产用水被严重污染C.人均水资源少D.居民饮用水供应困难【3】南水北调给北京市带来的影响有①缓解用水紧张 ②消除水污染 ③补偿河湖水量 ④制约经济发展A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④【4】北京市逐步推行居民用水阶梯水价的主要目的是A.减少生活污水排放B.保证生活供水质量C.促使家庭节约用水D.降低家庭用水成本
英语 试题推荐