
The ringed planet Saturn has 53 known moons. And another one may be on the way. NASA’s Cassini-Huyens space probe has spotted(发现)a small shape in Saturn’s outermost ring. It suggests the existence of a new moon. The moon has not been directly spotted yet, but scientists have already given it a nickname---Peggy.The probe’s findings were published in the journal Icarus. Casssini has been observing the ringed planet and its surroundings since 2004. Saturn is a big and powerful world. With a diameter of 74, 732 miles, it is 9½ times the size of Earth. It spins very quickly, and take14.下列物质与水混合时,不发生氧化还原反应的是(  )A.NO2B.Na2O2C.Na2OD.Cl2
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