
Many young people in America go to camps when they are out of school during the summer. They are offered a chance to explore different things: nature, sports, music, technology ——even business and economy.One such program for high school students in the Pacific Northwest is called Washington Business Week. The program began in 1975. Officials say forty-five thousand people have attended Washington Business Week. Other states now have similar camps.Washington Business Week describes itself as a way to learn more about how to plan for the future in an ever-changing economy. Students form an 《史记》记载,汉景帝时,太后“好黄老之言,不说(悦)儒术”,景帝“读黄帝、老子,尊其术”。但武帝即位后,便罢百家,尊儒术。发生这种变化的根本原因是A.汉武帝的个人爱好B.汉武帝雄才大略C.秦二世而亡的教训D.汉朝国力的强盛
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