
When recalling my high school­Gonzaga College High School,I am excited.It was founded in 1821,which was in the center part of D.C.,within the shouting distance(距离) of the Capitol building.Seeing my older brother experience Gonzaga a few years before me,I had an idea of how special this school was before my entering to school.Through him,I could see the pride and friendship among Gonzaga students.My true love for Gonzaga,however,began in my freshman year.I remember during my freshman guidance(新生入学指导),the team spirit organization sat our class down on the playg培育秧苗时,傍晚在秧苗里多灌些水,这是利用水的_______的特性,使秧田里的温度降得不多,起到保护秧苗作用。
英语 试题推荐