
Earthquake rescue robots have experienced their final tests in Beijing Their designers say with these robots, rescuers will be able to buy more time to save lives during an earthquake.This robot, looking like a helicopter, is call the detector (探测器) bot. At about 4 metres long, it took about 4 years to develop the model. Its main functions are to collect information from the air, and deliver goods of up to 30 kilos to people tapped by an earthquake.This robot is equipped with a high 360degree panoramic (全景的) camera. It can work day and night and also be able to send the latest pict2.已知A,B,C,D是球面上不共面的四点,AB=AC=$\sqrt{3},BD=CD=\sqrt{2},BC=\sqrt{6}$,平面ABC⊥平面BCD,则此球的体积为$\frac{{8\sqrt{2}}}{3}π$.
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