
阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Scientists in London say they have found the best diet for both humans and the planet. If the world followed the so-called “planetary health” diet, the scientists told Reuters that each year more than 11 million early deaths could be prevented. Scientists say that the way we produce and eat food is very bad for the planet. For the health of the planet, they claim the same diet would reduce greenhouse gases and save more land, water and animals.Tim Lang, a professor at Britain’s University of London, co-led the rese 下图为二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象, 下列说法中: ①ac<0; ②方程ax2+bx+c=0的根是x1=-1,x2=3; ③a+b+c>0; ④当x>1时,y随x的增大而增大. 正确的说法有________(把正确的答案的序号都填在横线上).
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