
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The falling stars challenge, which began in Russia, invites participants【1】(share) their best fake fall and recommend their friends to do the same, and people have been going to make their falls as dramatic as possible. At first, the falling stars challenge【2】(regard) as a way for the wealthy to show their【3】 (possession). People were photographing themselves falling from cars, boats and even their own private jets,【4】(lie) face-down with luxurious jewelry, expensive items from h人的红绿色盲是由X染色体上隐性基因控制的,下图是某家族红绿色盲的遗传系谱图,图中III—10个体的色盲基因来自于 A.Ⅰ—1                B.Ⅰ—2            C.Ⅱ—4                D.Ⅱ—6
英语 试题推荐